Novinky v .NET Framework 4.5

Jan Holan       11.04.2012       WPF, WCF/WS, ASP.NET/IIS, .NET, WIF       16790 zobrazení

Z vícero zdrojů jsem sepsal seznam chystaných novinek v .NET Framework verze 4.5.

.NET for Metro style apps

  • A subset of the .NET Framework 4.5 for building Metro style apps for Windows 8

Portable Class Libraries

  • managed assemblies that work on multiple .NET Framework platforms


  • Usability improved for WeakReference and Streams
  • Asynchronous versions for key interfaces e.g. File IO (Streams, FileStream)
  • New ArraySegment, ReadOnlyDictionary classes
  • Improved server Garbage Collector
  • New Zip library (in System.IO.Compression namespace)
  • DeflateStream and GZipStream compression improvements
  • Support for CLR objects larger than 2GB on 64-bit platforms
  • Ability to limit how long the regular expression engine will attempt to resolve a regular expression before it times out (Regex.MatchTimeout property)
  • Ability to customize a reflection context to override default reflection behavior through the CustomReflectionContext class.
  • Better performance when retrieving resources
  • Unicode improvements (v6, console support) (UTF-16)
  • Background JIT on multicore platforms


  • Task Parallel Library Improvements
  • Task-based model for performing asynchronous operations. (Async, GetAwaiter)
  • Timeouts and Cancellation
  • Task Creation (Task.Run)
  • Task.WhenAll / Task.WhenAny
  • Task scheduling
  • TPL Dataflow
  • Partitioning, Reductions

Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) 4.5

Další informace viz článek zde.



  • Simplification of configuration files (throttles/quotas)
  • WCF Configuration Validation
  • Contract-first development.
  • New asynchronous streaming support.
  • Multiple auth modes for HTTP endpoints
  • Ability to generate metadata in a single WSDL document
  • WebSocket Support
  • Support for UDP multicast channels
  • TCP channels now work with partial trust
  • Configuring WCF Services in Code
  • ChannelFactory Caching
  • Binary encoder compression support.
  • New simple HttpClient class


  • Sparse columns support improved
  • Support for SQL Server 2012 features
  • Asynchronous operations

Entity Framework 5

  • Code-first support
  • Migrations for schema changes
  • Multiple diagrams per model
  • Multi-result sproc support
  • Table-value function support
  • Enums support
  • Spatial data types
  • Designer improvements


  • Faster startup (35%)
  • Support HTML 5
  • Support for unobtrusive JavaScript in client-side validation scripts.
  • Asynchronous pipeline support (HTTP response, request), asynchronous modules and handlers
  • Request Validation
  • ASP.NET Web API - new framework for REST endpoints
  • Web Forms
    • Strongly Typed Data Binding
    • Model Binding
    • HTML encoded binding expressions
    • Multifile support for FileUpload control
    • Async controllers
    • Mobile templates
    • Alternate views
    • Support for Recipes
  • ASP.NET Web Pages 2
    • New site templates
    • Versatile validation support
    • Support for OAuth, OpenID
  • IIS Express by default
  • Assembly sharing between sites
  • Integrated AntiXSS library (Anti-XSS encoders)
  • Support for WebSockets protocol
  • Natively support SQL Azure


  • Built-in Ribbon controls
  • Ability to add breakpoints to databindings
  • The new INotifyDataErrorInfo interface, which supports synchronous and asynchronous data validation.
  • Binding to static properties
  • Binding to types that Implement ICustomTypeProvider
  • Automatically updating the source of a data binding
  • Improved support for establishing a Weak Reference to an Event
  • New features for the VirtualizingPanel.
  • New methods for the Dispatcher class
  • Markup Extensions for Events
  • Support for new Aero Lite and High Contrast Themes in Windows 8

Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)

  • C# Expressions
  • State machine workflows.
  • Workflow versioning
  • Code-first activity design
  • Runtime Performance
  • Design usability improvements

MEF 2.0

  • Support for Generics
  • Support for explicit and Convention-based bindings between objects
  • Support for binding POCOs
  • Multiple scopes.
  • Debugging improvements




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1 bodů / 1 hlasů       Hodnotit mohou jen registrované uživatelé.


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RE: Novinky v .NET Framework 4.5

Ještě jedna zajímavost,

zatím se neví, zda bude .NET Framework 4.5 podporován na Windows XP, ví se jen to, že beta podporována není.

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